Signia Silk Nx

We'd like to inform our customers that the Signia Silk Nx has been discontinued and is no longer available for purchase on our website. In its place, we proudly offer the advanced Signia Silk X, which features enhanced technology and improved performance. We invite you to explore the benefits and features of the new Signia Silk X by visiting our dedicated sales page. Click below:

The smallest and most natural sounding ready-to-wear hearing aids

Ultimate Discretion

As one of the world’s smallest hearing aids, you can be confident that no one will ever know you’re wearing them. Following your online hearing test, Pocket Hearing will program your Silk Nx and send them to you the very same day. Looking good and hearing well has never been so easy.

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Click, fit and go

Signia Silk Nx comes with a selection of replaceable silicone sleeves and domes that simply click on and off. They will sit securely and comfortably in the ear without having to visit a hearing centre to have a mould made and then wait for expensive, custom-made hearing aids.


Perfectly positioned for phone calls and music

Because the hearing aids sit deep inside the ear canal, so do the microphones that pick up the sound. You can even wear headphones. Wearing Signia Silk Nx is so natural you’ll forget you’re even wearing hearing aids.

Crystal clear sound with a natural flow

From the street to the office and on to a restaurant, holding a conversation is a breeze. Signia Silk Nx with 24 bit processing will focus on what’s important and filter unwanted noise without any loss in overall quality

You’re in control


Remote Control

  • Hearing program change

  • Sound balance adjustment

  • Monitoring of battery status


Virtual Appointments

Get support and programming updates from your hearing care professional right out of your pocket.


Care Chat

Update your hearing care professional via text message, voice call or video call.


Mobile devices compatible with the Signia app:

Apple devices: The Signia app is compatible with all Apple devices with the iOS version 9.3 and higher.

Android devices: The Signia app is compatible with most of the Android (Android 5.0 and higher) devices.